Developing new computer architectures to improve performance and reduce power consumption

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Omar Hany
Osman Cem Çalışkan
Mustapha Abubakar
Khalid Abdulkadir
Saif Mohamed
Hajar Sahsah


Computer Architectures design components that make operation in computers and assign their they operate. And also, they handle data storage, control units and function of other components. Computer architectures searches for the interaction between high level programming languages and hardware. Because of this research computers have become faster and more efficient. They can be categorized into two types: von Neumann Architecture and Harvard Architecture but there are more types of architecture like: CISC, RISC, Superscalar, Pipelined. Von Neumann was used in the first modern computers. It store commands and data in the same memory. For this ueason, data and commands are taken by processor one by one.

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