The Security and Statistical Information for Oman’s Tourist Management Systems

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Mohammad Hameed AlTaei
Mohammed Abdallah Al-Balushi
Saif Juma Al-Kaabi
Ahmed Khalfan Al-Saidi


Many countries whose geographic characteristics and climatic conditions are numerous, tourism are seen as certainly one of their primary economic drivers. Oman is one such nation, The Number of tourists visiting Oman increasing yearly and there is a need to collect tourists’ information and know the sites they visit in order to benefit from this information in developing tourism and protecting the country, citizen, and tourists themselves from different accidents and other security issues. This paper presents the design of a tourism website for the tourism places in Sultanate of Oman. We focused in this website, which is different from other tourist websites,on the reports and statistical information for tourists and tourisms' places and its security besides the tourism’s services, this security of information and statistical reports are monitored by the employee of the ministry of tourism in order to benefits from it in different issues and official procedures related to security and development, and to help decision makers in the tourisms’ development. This system also offers comprehensive records approximately the numerous tourism locations in Oman via images, motion pictures, and articles. It makes it simpler to provide the records that Oman's tourism industry wishes. It concentrate on determining the best, most organized, and quickest way to offer all options for helping Omani and foreign tourists to reflect a distinctive image of Oman in a straightforward and quick manner, and provides them with a good offers, time schedules, a programmed trips, and to keep up with new announcements and tourist regulations. The website of this application consists of four users each has a separate interface shared one database; this application facilitates all operations related to registration, viewing, reservation, and paying services, as well as obtaining security information and statistical reports.

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