Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | en-US (Chief Editor) (Technical Team) Sat, 16 Dec 2023 10:10:34 -0600 OJS 60 Impact of Information Technology on Accounting Systems <p>An innovative system is the rise of information technology in accounting. The majority of businesses today, from giant companies to small businesses, rely on their accounting information systems to help them manage their operations. The effect of information technology on accounting systems is reviewed in this essay. This essay also addresses the various accounting procedures and their differences. Accounting is a crucial aspect of the organization, and using IT may improve calculation speed and accuracy as well as flexibility and information storage security</p> Sabri Shayebr, Adham Ahmed , Azizbek Tajibaev Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Advancements In Intelligent Object Identification <p>Intelligent object identification is an expression used to describe the ability of a device to locate and recognize items in images or video. It has developed through time from early a computer program object identification attempts that utilized humanly constructed feature extraction and pattern recognition algorithms that had restrictions on the objects, lighting conditions, and positions that they could be applied to. Object identification improved in accuracy and efficiency with the development of machine learning, particularly convolutional neural network (CNN) designs. Numerous businesses, including self-driving vehicles, surveillance systems, medical imaging, and retail, employ intelligent object recognition. Future innovations in this area might include improvements in deep learning algorithms, three-dimensional object detection, integration with augmented reality, and handling privacy concerns. Deep learning techniques, identifying objects algorithms, the use of multimodal data, and transfer learning for object recognition have all been found to be useful in studies on intelligent recognition of objects.</p> Atakan Özcan Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 The Importance of Robotics in our Life <p>Robots are becoming practical in everyday human surroundings, according to this essay on the effects of robotic technology on human existence. The article explains that a robot consists of a brain, mechanical components, and sensors and walks readers through the procedures required in creating a robot, including defining the issue and goal, creating algorithms, and choosing useful functionalities. The essay underlines the potential job losses that robots may bring about in the workplace, but it also stresses how much human behavior and emotions are taken into account when designing robots, which considerably improves human life. The piece also covers how robots can communicate with other electronic equipment and connect to the internet, which could pose security risks. In order to exploit the potential advantages of robotic technology while lowering any hazards, the paper highlights the need for continued study and development in this area.</p> Aybüke Şenel, Cansu Ceylan, Hüseyin Buğra Nergis, Faika Nur Köse , Zeynep Eski Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Providing Privacy and Security on the Internet <p>Internet is an indispensable part of our life. There are a lot of applications which people use to share some post about their lifes. People record all parts of their lifes on internet. Is keeping all informations about our lifes on internet safe? Is there any way to ensure security on internet</p> Osman Akyüz Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 The Impact of Mobile Applications on Productivity <p>This article is about a review and analysis of different research on mobile apps and their impact on productivity. The objective of the study is to determine whether mobile apps are effective in enhancing productivity in different areas, such as education, business, and personal life. A total of 36 studies were examined, and the outcomes show that mobile apps generally have a favorable impact on productivity. However, the level of effectiveness may differ depending on the app type and the situation in which it is used. [1]The findings of this investigation have significant implications for the design and creation of mobile apps that intend to increase productivity.</p> Enes Cengiz Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Sat, 16 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Unleashing The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity <p>The intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence is fascinating, yet heated arena for both hackers and defenders. An examination of the interdependent relationship between AI's capacity to handle data and security protocols uncovers an emergent pattern in cybercrime. As assailants exploit this merger to their advantage with growing frequency, conventional measures can no longer suffice. Thus, devising successful tactics that thwart these sophisticated violations continues to elude businesses and institutions alike. This composition delves into how unifying cybersecurity with AI has opened a new avenues for trespassing systems [1]while underscoring the hazards that mandate proactive actions against evermore polished attacks leveraging the full potential of these technologies.</p> Mohammed Adnan Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Defense Industry <p>AI has the potential to significantly impact military operations and strategies in the near future. AI-powered weapons, vehicles, and other systems could dramatically change the nature of warfare, reducing the need for human intervention and potentially making warfare more efficient and effective. There are significant ethical and social implications of using AI in defense. AI has the potential to make decisions faster and more accurately than humans. It has the potential to transform the way that defense firms operate. It could enable more efficient and accurate analysis of data, improve manufacturing processes, and enable more effective decision-making. Overall, the use of AI in the defense industry is an important topic for research because it has the potential to revolutionize the way that militaries operate and has significant ethical, social, and strategic implications for countries around the world.</p> Alara Ergül Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Human Collaboration In Self-Learning Systems <p>Human-machine collaboration in self-learning refers to having humans and automated technology work alongside each other to achieve a shared goal. [1] Having entered a new era for years, where experiencing a steady and strong improvement in computational power, storage, and availability of big data. Although artificial intelligence has become a pervasive organizational phenomenon, it is still unclear if and when people will be willing to cooperate with machines. [2] Human-machine collaboration in self-learning seeks to address limitations by combining the qualities of both humans and machines. Humans and machines are dependent on each other. While machines can analyze and stock extensive data rapidly, they still lack the same creativity and understanding as humans. On the other hand, humans have these qualities, but they cannot process the vast amount of data as quickly or accurately as machines. [3]</p> Tina Sadat Sadreddini, Nursena Ercan, Ece Su Boy Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Review A New Age of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Professions <p>Artificial intelligence is a subject that has been researched for an extended time and will be investigated for a much longer time. Nowadays, many scientists (It cannot be called only experts because it is a subject that societies from many different designations are interested in.) are exploring this subject to see the outlook more obviously. Apart from this, many businesspeople are investing in AI. Because AI technologies have extremely profitable sales. That's why artificial intelligence research is supported by many corporations. Additionally, there are a great number of companies make research on AI. The main and most notorious of these companies are Alibaba, Microsoft, Apple, etc... Considering all this, although very rapid developments are expected in artificial intelligence technologies, it is a versatile and deep technology branch, so new expansions may require many ages. There will be phases of artificial intelligence that will affect more people recently. In this commentary, the forms that artificial intelligence technologies can take in the future and the direct impact of this process on redundancy in unemployment will be conferred.</p> Sinem Elmas Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 The Impact of Rewards on Motivation <p>The lengthy discussion over the impact of financial com- pensation on creative performance is still going on. Money rewards have both positive and bad effects on creative performance, according to re- search. We assert that the impact of monetary rewards on creative per- formance is moderated by a person’s motivational orientation. It was demonstrated in an experiment that there are two unique causal pathways that can affect creative performance. People who are motivated primarily by extrinsic incentive and those who are motivated primarily by intrinsic motivation appear to follow different courses. Further research is neces- sary to determine exactly how motivational orientation influences the connections between monetary incentive and creative performance. How- ever, this study offers some new information and research directions.</p> İsmail Işık Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Quantum decryption: Exploring the potential risk of data security <p>Governments and individuals are intercepting and storing encrypted data, including sensitive information like passwords and military intelligence, which they believe they will be able to decrypt in the future using quantum computers. This technique, known as "save now decrypt later," is based on the assumption that certain types of data will remain valuable for many years. While there are currently no massive quantum computers capable of breaking encryption, the threat of this technology has prompted major corporations to develop quantum-resistant encryption. This is necessary because a powerful enough quantum computer would be able to crack all commonly used public key algorithms, according to the US National Security Agency.</p> Omar Sallam, Reda Ali Deeb Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Reviewing audio transcription in education <p>&nbsp;This research examines the importance of advanced technology and AI in converting human speech into a written text and reviewing the effectiveness of automatic transcription to reinforce the scholastic journey for students. Results showed that students have marked audio transcription as a key factor for enhancing their material understanding and note taking by reviewing the material later at their own pace. Furthermore, it comes handy when language learners, nonnative speakers or students who struggle with hearing impairments. This study concluded that automatic transcription could push education forward towards the betterment of the academic ride no matter your position and acknowledges the need to dig deeper and conduct future research to explore the effects of audio transcription in each specific educational branch which will contribute to the fund of knowledge.</p> Baraa Abid, Albaraa Medani, Assylzhan Toktassyn , Yamen Manni Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Integration of 5G with Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: A Comprehensive Review <p>The integration of 5G with analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising field that can revolutionize the way businesses operate, it provides high-speed, low-latency connectivity, which is essential for realtime data processing and analytics. AI, on the other hand, enables businesses to automate and optimize their operations, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing costs[1]. This research paper analyzes the existing literature on this topic, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of previous research. It also presents a methodology for collecting and analyzing data, including research design, data collection techniques, and statistical analysis methods. The results of the research show that the integration of 5G, analytics, and AI can provide significant benefits to businesses, such as improved decision-making, enhanced customer experience, and increased productivity. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as data privacy and security concerns. The paper concludes by summarizing the main points of the research and suggesting areas for further investigation.</p> Olamide Abibat Adebayo, Peter Oluwaseun Adepoju Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IoT and Intelligent Solutions | Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600